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There are a number of regulations that govern gangways:

  • All gangways must remain unobstructed and accessible at all times. Under no circumstances will any part of your stand, furniture, exhibits or displays be allowed to project beyond the boundary of your stand.
  • Some gangways will be assigned as emergency gangways. In no circumstance during the show, build-up and breakdown should these gangways be obstructed. They must remain freight free at all times. Stand contractors & Exhibitors should make themselves aware of these before commencing build.
  • No doors or windows shall open outwards onto a gangway.

Exhibitor Responsibilities

The exhibitor is ultimately responsible for all aspects of safety on their stand during the build-up, the open period of the show and during the break down. Where the exhibitor contracts out the building and finishing of their stand, they are still vicariously responsible for the activities of the contractors. They must ensure that they do the following:

  • They MUST carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment of all their activities and obtain relevant risk assessments from the contractors with supporting method statements for the building and demounting of your stand. 
  • They MUST ensure that their staff and contractors working on site are informed of the site rules and health and safety arrangements which are detailed in this manual and you must ensure so far as you reasonably can that they follow them.
  • They MUST ensure that all staff on site and contractors are familiar with the venue’s emergency procedures which can be found in this manual.
  • Appoint a competent person to be responsible for health and safety on your stand. 

Items of Special Risk

If you intend to include any items of special risk on your stand for the show, they must be included in your Risk Assessment and the organiser’s MUST be notified. Failure to notify the organiser’s will result in you being asked to cancel or turn off your activities. Please ensure we are aware by filling in the Special Activities Form (through the exhibitor manual). Please provide as much information as possible. 

Items of special risk include, but are not limited to:

  • Inflatables including helium & toy balloons.
  • Performances including dancers, bands, DJs, or other musical acts.
  • Laser products.
  • Neon or florescent lights.
  • Motor vehicles in the halls during open period.
  • Fog or mist machines.
  • Giveaways
  • Celebrity Appearance
  • Games machines
  • Competitions

Working Time Regulations

All exhibitors should ensure that all staff (their own and those of any company contracted by them) are aware and adhere to the Working Time Regulations. Guidance regarding these regulations can be found on the HSE website.

Clarion Events strongly discourages late working. You must ensure your stand can be built to the timings provided in this manual. If you must work late, this will be chargable.

Special Effects: e.g. Smoke, Lasers, Pyrotechnics

All special effects must be treated as special risks and are subject to strict controls in accordance with a risk assessment and the appropriate legal requirements. Please notify us by filling in the Special Activities form (click here to complete) if you are interested in planning any of these so it can be discussed. You can also reach out via email at iGB Support.

Incident Reporting

All incidents and near misses MUST be reported to the organiser. You can do this at either of the organisers’ offices. If you do see anyone taking unnecessary risks, please report it immediately. Your action could prevent a serious accident.

Food Safety and Hygiene

It is essential that any stand providing food, drink or other refreshments to visitors comply with the Food Safety Act 1990 and Food Hygiene (Amendment) Regulations 1990. Please refer to Catering – Food & Alcohol section of the E-guide for further information and regulations.

Please note all catering must be provided by the RAI. Please see the Catering section of this manual for further details.

Any alleged, suspected food poisoning resulting from consumption of any food on the premises must be reported to the venue.


  • All exhibitors and contractors must be aware of their employer’s own site inductions and risk assessment.
  • See something unsafe? – deal with it yourself if you can - If you can’t, report it to the organiser’s office without delay.
  • Report accidents – even minor ones – it could prevent a more serious one.
  • Ensure that supplied work equipment is safe and suitable for the job, is maintained and kept in good order and that employees are properly trained in its use. Do a brief visual check of any equipment you are using before you start and report any concerns immediately.
  • Everyone must always consider the safety of themselves and others.
  • Smoking is not permitted in the halls or on the lorry ways – Including E-Cigarettes and vaping.

Manual Handling

As far as reasonably possible, you should avoid the need to undertake manual handling operations which involve a risk of injury and appropriate steps are taken following a risk assessment to reduce any chance of injury to the lowest level reasonably practicable. Please remember the following:

  • Think before lifting.
  • Stand as near to the object as possible.
  • Bend your knees and keep back straight.
  • Grasp the load firmly.
  • Lift with your legs.
  • Hold the load close to the center of your body.

Painting & Decorating

  • When using spraying equipment or pressure vessels, care must be taken off possible risks from fumes.
  • Barrier creams and masks must be provided.
  • The use of lead-based paints and primers is not permitted.
  • Contractors and exhibitors should be continually aware of the fire risks associated with paints.
  • Painters must not work in confined areas unless adequate ventilation is available.
  • All waste products must be disposed of properly.
  • Products containing isocyanate or labelled as H332 (harmful) such as Nuvol are banned and not permitted as a building or decorating substance at iGB L!VE under any circumstances. Contractors caught using any of these products will have it confiscated and be ejected from the halls.

Due to new HSE regulations sanding can now only be carried out outside and sanding equipment must have fitted extraction and bags.

Traffic, use of vehicles and operation of mobile plant

  • Be aware of moving traffic, including forklifts and plant, in the halls and loading areas.
  • The lorry ways are designated for vehicle movement and unloading only, and no pedestrians will be permitted in this area who are not unloading vehicles.
  • The speed limit is: 5mph in the loading areas.
  • Valid full driving license for the type of vehicle concerned must be held. Evidence of training for the type of vehicle or plant concerned as well as employer’s authorisation to drive it.
  • Please ensure that any reversing vehicles have a banksman.
  • Safety reversing alarms are required on all vehicles that can be operated in reverse.
  • Use seat belts, if fitted.
  • Passengers MUST NOT be carried on forklifts or dumpers, or where there is no provision for a passenger.
  • Authorisation to drive may be removed by the organiser for repeated breaking of these rules.
  • Engines of vehicles in the halls must not be left on idle. Where this is unavoidable i.e., for cranes, the lifting supervisor is responsible for ensuring the combustion fumes do not build up in the halls, service tunnels, and basements as a result.

Work Equipment and Tools

Exhibitors and contractors have duties under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations to ensure that all tools are fit for purpose and safe to use.

  • Training and your employer’s authorisation required for the use any type of power tool.
  • All portable and static power equipment must comply with British Standards.
  • All portable and static power equipment must only be used for the purpose for which it was designed, and safety guards must be correctly fitted and used.
  • Power tools are to take power from the 110v center-tapped earth provided and not from cleaner’s sockets which are 240v.
  • No equipment should be left unattended with power supplied to it.
  • Hanging wires are not to be left hanging below head height and must be marked with tape.
  • All portable electrical equipment must be subject to a suitable portable equipment testing regime.
  • Portable electric tools must either be battery powered or used with the minimum length of trailing leads and connected via residual circuit device (RCD). All non-battery portable electrical appliances should be within their current Portable Appliance Test (PAT) period.
  • No electrical cables must be allowed to cross gangways, passageways and fire exits.
  • The practice of connecting one extension lead into another (daisy chaining) is not permitted.
  • Use of eye, hearing or other PPE as required for the tool – see your employers risk assessment for it.
  • All hot work activities that may generate sufficient heat to cause ignition are prohibited without authorisation from the organiser’s and venue. This may include gas or electric arc welding; use of LPG torches or blowlamps; hot air paint strippers; lead welding; angle grinding; If in doubt, ask!